'Tis the season to be jolly aware that online customer experience really matters. This infographic from ForSee shows us why. With over half of the Christmas shopping being done online this year, and with "satisfied" customers being 67% more likely to recommend your brand to others it doesn't take a genius to work out that those who pay more attention to online customer experience now will reap the rewards in future. Remember what your parents told you about being good at Christmas? Well now you know.
Why the online customer experience matters
By Andy Soloman on 21/12/12 16:30
Topics: Customer E-commerce infographic Live Chat Website

Written by Andy Soloman
As Founder and CEO, Andy created Yomdel in 2012 with a vision that exceptional and personal customer experiences could be seamlessly delivered across the digital divide. Today, as a market leader, having pioneered live chat in the property sector, Andy is dedicated to finding new ways for businesses and organisations to tap into the rapidly evolving opportunities that digital offers. He is the UK’s foremost expert on how live chat can be most effectively used to amplify business success. If you’d like to book Andy, or someone else in our team to speak at an event, or to discuss a partnership opportunity, please get in touch with him at andy.soloman@yomdel.com.