Yomdel Live Connect. You might be wondering what that is? It’s as simple as the name suggests. With our new service, we make your customer’s digital experience more connected, and give you the opportunity to convert more leads into sales.
We posted a blog a couple of weeks ago about the benefits of using and linking various different customer channels to give your customers a smoother experience (read the blog here). At Yomdel, we provide solutions that make this happen for your customers. How does it work, you may ask. Well, let me tell you…
Customers come onto your website, looking and browsing, perhaps with the thought at the back of their mind that they might like to purchase something. Their eye is caught by the live chat window popping up, and the live chat agent asking if they can help (live chat powered by Yomdel, naturally!). After chatting with the agent for a few minutes about the product or service they are browsing for, the customer is then offered the opportunity to talk to a member of your sales team, there and then. Your sales team member is given the relevant details of the chat by one of the Yomdel team, and then Yomdel Live Connects your sales team member with the customer.
Simple. And clever. The customer has a great experience: they have given details of what they want just once, and this has been passed on accurately from one method of communication (live chat) to another (talking to your sales agent). Your sales team save time – they have a number of details from the customer already, meaning they can convert the call into a sale more quickly…and could potentially make more sales in a day. Informal feedback from clients to date suggest that of the leads being put through, more than 30% convert to sales. And this is in addition to the ‘normal’ leads that live chat generates.
What not give us a call to see how we can help you convert even more of your web visitors into sales? 01403 616000 or yomdel.com