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National UK estate and letting agency brand Northwood adopted 24/7 managed live chat from Yomdel in early 2016, and the results have been outstanding. The franchise network of around 90n offices spans the length and breadth of the country, and offers a variety of sales and lettings services. Always evolving and growing, Northwood originally came to Yomdel seeking a way to convert more of their website visitors in to leads, no matter what time of day or night. In this ‘on demand’ era, where consumers expect instant gratification, the ability to have your questions answered instantly is a clear competitive advantage.  

  • With 120,000 visitors a month coming onto the Northwood website, it was important for us at Yomdel to ensure that we continued to deliver the uppermost level of customer care that Northwood are known for. Our managed live chat solution has been built to not only provide strong lead generation to aid high sales conversions but also meet the needs of Northwood's complex business, so we had to get it right.

The 'Knowledge'

It was essential that our live chat operators had the thorough understanding necessary to respond to any specialist customer questions appropriately and correctly. It isn’t enough to just understand the basics of property and estate agency, but also to understand the nuances of those specialist services that they offer. For Northwood, this included their Guaranteed Rent proposition where landlords have rent payments assured. It was imperative that Yomdel live chat operators were highly trained to a level that they could be completely confident in engaging in a with potential clients on the subject that was both correct and communicated clearly. We developed an in-depth knowledge bank, supported with comprehensive training and numerous test chats before the service went live on the Northwood website.

Each of Yomdel live chat operators completes a thorough, client-specific training programme prior to working live on an account. This includes demonstrating that they know how to deliver the key facts correctly. A visitor to a client website site needs to feel that they are speaking with a member of that client's team when accessing the live chat. Yomdel operates as an extension of their business thus continuously adding value.

Sales conversion

With 85 different offices, to maximise the lead to sale conversion, the quality and speed of the property leads reaching the right office is crucial. This is where the comprehensive nature of our training comes in. Our team are able to tease out the valuable, insightful information, not only that, all relevant leads are emailed to the correct office within 15 minutes, allowing the Northwood team to act on them whilst they are still hot.


Live chat

What are the results? What impact can live chat actually have on a business as complex as Northwood?

The facts:

  • 92% of leads generated were deemed to be of high value (vendors or landlords)
  • £500,000 of Northwood revenue was generated by Yomdel in the first half of 2017 (this is based on a conservative 20% conversion rate of leads to business)
  • 4,800% return on investment

With this sort of level of results, it’s no wonder that Eric Walker, Managing Director of Northwood UK, is delighted with the relationship.

“It’s a partnership that works. Yomdel delivers leads with a phenomenally high conversion rate. They’re not formulaic like other live chat providers; they work to the highest standards and it’s one of the best marketing initiatives we’ve ever undertaken.

“When we go out and see the vendor or landlord, we get the instruction – every lead is already really well prequalified and pretty much converted already. If it’s a Yomdel lead, I know it will have a far higher conversion rate than any other source.”


For more information on how Yomdel can deliver an outstanding ROI for your estate agency business, please start a chat below, visit  www.yomdel.com or email info@yomdel.com


Yomdel is proud to be the pioneer of truly intelligent managed live chat in the UK, offering the best live chat experience that significantly improves an organisation’s website lead generation, converts customers into fans, and which also adds significantly to its clients’ bottom lines.



Andy Soloman

Written by Andy Soloman

As Founder and CEO, Andy created Yomdel in 2012 with a vision that exceptional and personal customer experiences could be seamlessly delivered across the digital divide. Today, as a market leader, having pioneered live chat in the property sector, Andy is dedicated to finding new ways for businesses and organisations to tap into the rapidly evolving opportunities that digital offers. He is the UK’s foremost expert on how live chat can be most effectively used to amplify business success. If you’d like to book Andy, or someone else in our team to speak at an event, or to discuss a partnership opportunity, please get in touch with him at andy.soloman@yomdel.com.